Saturday 23 June 2012

Stud Finder

originally have to create a custom computer mouse, however, we were able to make a stud finder for this task. Of course we have to make something with organic shape to show the use of surface included:
this is the original stud finder that i did for our studio porject.
The Stud finder has a curve shape, basic colour, and simple interface deisgn and was built using the same method of modelling the computer house. To make a different version with the original style, i decide to change the colour of it:
the stud finder include 3 main parts: upper housing, lower housing ansd the marking board which all connected by screws.
the way i created the stud finder was simailar to the way i made the computer mouse using surface commands:
this is how my final stud finder master part look like
create the 1st lower surface by combine the bottom sketch of my stud finder shape with the projected curve that i want for the body
then create the surface loft for my lower housing
after that, i made another surface level so i can have a curve edge for my model
then adding guide curve
make another surface loft base on the second surface level, together with the guide curve
the next thing i do is to fill the top surface
using knit surface command to knit all the surfaces together and form a solid body
extrude surface where i want my parts to be seperate
this is how my parts look like when i seperate them from the paster part
after a bunch of extrude cut and box, i created the interface for my stud finder, also changed the appearance as well

and this is the marking board that i made which will connect to the lower housing of the stud finder
detail inside of the lower hosuing, showing how all the component fit into place bu the support of the ribs.
the whole look of my stud finder after putting the lights in. and im done!