Friday 6 April 2012

2nd Excersice/ Shampoo bottle

After finshed the first excesice to refresh some skill on SolidWork, our 2nd assignment was to choose a non-cylindrycal bottle and build it using CAD.

the bottle i was choose is a Herbal essences shampoo bottle, i really like the curve shape of the bottle and it is my most favourite shampoo so i decide to make this one.

first of all i took some photo of it( front, side, top & bottom) and measue it, taking out some important measure. I used Sketch tool-sketch pictures, put in the actual picture may help me get the right shape of the bottle.

i used loft to created the shape of the bottle, also adding some guide curve to give the accurate shape. then i used Split command to split the bottle to 2 parts. in this way i can build my parts easier.

used loft and create the top part of the bottle.
making the cap was the most difficult parts, it was really hard to get all the measurement right for the cap to create the joint for the cap. i actually have to split them into hard, to get the middle base then join them back together and work on top and buttom sepeartely.

the joint part was a bit easier but i still mess up the measurement a lot LOL
after created all the part, i managge to put all of the parts together by creating a assembly part,. In here, i used the mate command to joint all the part together. i also put in the configuration to make the cap open and close.

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