Saturday 26 May 2012

Split - Computer mouse

first step of the split is to create an extrude surface middle housing and the top housing, this aim to split the button cover and the middle housing of the mouse.

nest step was to trim the surface, however, it seems like i couldnt select the surface that i wanted to trimmed off for some reasons.
so then i relised that the middle housing and the top housing somehow not knit together, thats why i thought it could be the problem why i couldnt do the surface trim so then i knitted them together.
and it work!
my next step is to offset the upper surface by 2mm inward. this step is to generated the shape for the middle housing  part.

i turned off all other part so i can see clearly the offset surface.
create a sketch on top plane to generates the edge on the middle housing  for trimming

trimming the previous sketch out
offset the top surface to 2.oomm inward to create the middle housing

surface fill the middle housing base after surface fill the top-housing

work with the button cover part, i tried to put the projected curve. hoever, it wouldnt let me do it because it said there was an open/close profile. so i thoiught there was something wrong with the master part, go back and fix it nad turn out to ruin it, NICE!
with DAn's help ( awesome!) not even 1 minute, problem solved, as one of the line has to be constructive line, and it worked finally!

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